RF/Microwave Schematic Layout and Linear Simulator

The RF Designerâ„¢ RF/microwave design app is a highly affordable schematic entry and linear simulator geared towards students, professionals, and hobbyists. This is not just another RF "calculator" app. Design and analyze the linear frequency response of any circuit you choose to create and then view the results through graphs, smith charts, or tabular data.

Just $5.99 at the app store


Schematic Entry

Create and design your circuits schematically using the 56 included elements with more new ones on the way. Current element catagories are: Lumped Elements, Ideal Transmission Lines, Physical Transmission Lines, Microstrip, Stripline, Linear Elements, and Universal Elements. Click here for details the included elements.

Import S-Parameter Files

Import external S-parameter files from device manufacturers or other simulators for use in your designs. RF Designer currently supports 1 through 4 port S-parameter files.

Linear Simulator

Simulate the frequency response of your schematics with up to 4 linear analysis ports. A maximum of 2001 frequencies may be simulated at a time. The source impedance of each port in the schematic defaults to 50 ohms, but may be modified to any required value.

Export S-Parameter Files

Export simulated data to an external S-Parameter file which can then be used to create more complex schematics. Exported data can be used by other software programs that are capable of reading Touchstone style S-Parameter files.

Plots and Graphs

Plot your simulated data to one of three output types: tabular data, rectangular graphs, and smith charts. Traces can represent the data in decibels, magnitude, real, imaginary, and angular (degrees or radians). Trace data for all three output types can be saved to comma-separated vaules (CSV) files for further use in other programs. Smith chart and rectangular graphs can be saved to the .png image file format.



Version 1.27

Released on April 28th, 2019
  • New Added S2PGND element that provides an exposed ground terminal to the standard S2P block.
  • Fix Minor bug fixes and improvements.

Version 1.25

Released on July 27th, 2017
  • New Smith chart data may now be displayed as a reflection coefficient, impedance, or admittance in complex or mag/angle format.
  • Fix Fixed bug when deleting smith chart markers.
  • Fix Minor bug fixes and improvements.

Version 1.24

Released on January 27th, 2017
  • New Added example projects.
  • New Improved table plots by locking the header in place and forcing a minimum cell width.
  • New Added an s-parameter viewer for imported s-parameter data files.
  • New 2 port s-parameter files with noise parameters may now be imported.
  • New Changed progress dialog spinner to progress bars.
  • Fix Fixed s-parameter exporter data format issue.
  • Fix Minor bug fixes and GUI improvements.

Version 1.23

Released on November 25th, 2016
  • New Frequency plot markers can now be moved on the plots.
  • New Added calculator functions for certain microstrip and stripline components.
  • New Added a properties button in the schematic toolbar for editing the selected component (double tapping still works).
  • New Added mouse wheel zoom for bluetooth mice.

Version 1.22

Released on October 10th, 2016
  • New Added the following microsstrip components to the element catalog: cross junction (MCROS), unmiteres right angle bend (MBEND), 50% mitered right angle bend (MBEND2), optimal right angle mitered bend (MBENDO), and radiused bend (MCURVE).
  • New Added frequency markers to the rectangular graphs and smith charts.
  • New Added MIN and MAX functions to the frequency markers.
  • Fix Fixed graph clipping issue and missing last point of data.
  • Fix Minor bug fixes and improvements.

Version 1.21

Released on September 1st, 2016
  • New Added microstrip tee junction (MTEE) to the element catalog.
  • New Improved axis data on rectangular graphs and smith charts.
  • Fix Minor bug fixes and improvements.

Version 1.20.1

Released on August 14th, 2016
  • New Added microstrip components to the element catalog. MLIN, MCLIN, MLOC, MLSC, MLEF, MSTEP, and MGAP.
  • Fix Minor bug fixes and improvements.

Version 1.19

Released on January 29th, 2016
  • New Added log frequency scale option to rectangular graphs
  • New Added logarithmic sweep to frequecy analysis setup.
  • Fix Minor bug fixes and improvements.

Version 1.18.2

Released on November 8th, 2015
  • New Added substrate manager for physical transmission line models.
  • New Added stripline components to the element catalog. SLIN, SCLIN, SLOC, SLSC, SLEF, SSTEP, SGAP.
  • Fix Corrected metric to standard length conversion.
  • Fix Fixed S-parameter data set manager issue.

Version 1.173984

Released on August 1st, 2015
  • New Added trace legend to Smith charts and rectangular plots.
  • New Save Smith charts and rectangular graphs to .png image files.
  • New Export Smith chart and rectangular plot trace data to .csv files.
  • New Set default application project units.
  • Fix Fixed port number glitch in part value HUD.

Version 1.16

Released on July 18th, 2015
  • New Added auto scale for the y-axis on rectangular graphs.
  • New Added HUD to display schematic symbol attributes when selected.
  • New Added change log in the app to display the history of updates.
  • Fix Fixed decimal mark/point issue while importing or exporting s-parameter files in countries that use a comma as a decimal mark.
  • Fix Minor bug fixes and improvements.

Version 1.144729

Released on May 20th, 2015
  • New Schematic port source impedances may now be modified.
  • New Export simulation data to S-Parameter files.
  • Fix Fixed single frequency S-Parameter file bug.

Version 1.13

Released on April 10th, 2015
  • Fix Fixed dB per unit length attenuation conversion on the TLINP element.

Version 1.122018

Released on April 8th , 2015
  • New Export tabular simulation data to .csv files.
  • New Import 3 and 4 port S-parameter files.
  • New Added 3 and 4 port S-parameter blocks to the element catalog.
  • New Added admittance component to the element catalog.

Version 1.11

Released on March 7th, 2015
  • New Initial release for Android.

RF/Microwave Calculators



Microstrip Calculator

Download the free Android app RF Transmission Line Calc at the play store.

Use the analyze button to calculate the impedance and electrical length of a microstrip structure with the given width, length, and substrate parameters. Use the synthesize button to calculate the physical widths and length of a microstrip transmission line with a given impedance, electrical length, and substrate parameters.

Substrate Parameters



Analysis/Synthesis Values

Stripline Calculator

Download the free Android app RF Transmission Line Calc at the play store.

Use the analyze button to calculate the impedance and electrical length of a stripline structure with the given width, length, and substrate parameters. Use the synthesize button to calculate the physical widths and length of a stripline with a given impedance, electrical length, and substrate parameters.

Substrate Parameters



Analysis/Synthesis Values


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Some Dude, Some Website


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Toggle Lists

  • Q. What are the requirements for using this app?

    Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

  • Q. How does it work?

    Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros.

  • Q. How much does it cost?

    Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

Lightbox Images


Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo.